In Studio69, we have huge list of eminent celebrities in panel with whom we have direct tie ups. We can book any artist or celebrity for your wedding directly. Not only from Bollywood but Studio69 has capacity to book artists from all over the world for your special event. We give you a very easy and hassle-free system to book great singers, musicians, performing artists, music bands for your special occasions.
We have huge range of singers and musicians for events based on your budget, occasion, location and your choice. If you have the right kind of singer, musician or music band for events you have for your lifetime, your function or event just takes a level next and makes all your guests mesmerized and enjoy to the fullest and remember the gala time they had for years to come.
Studio69 is aimed to carve its niche by sourcing and managing artists across the globe. As a complete entertainment solution provider, we are an artist management company as well. With a history of working with both local and international clients for almost more than two decades, we have developed a reputation as Punjab’s premier agency in the entertainment industry, with a worldwide reach. We manage and organize some of the biggest artists in the country and having worked on the most reputed festivals and events, we bring unparalleled service and proficiency to the table. Through our event management wing, we also specialize in curating and managing custom-designed programmes for weddings, colleges, corporates and clubs.
Jasmine Sandlas
Jonita Gandhi
Sagar Bhatia
Mohammed Irfan
Ravi Shukla
Salim Sulaimaan
Dijlit Dosanjh
We are glad to answer any inquiries you may have. We pride ourselves on top of the line benefit and will strive to procure your business. Specialized inquiries relating to the setup, coordination, and use of DJ can be submitted specifically to our bolster group for fast reaction. You may directly contact us on given address also.
Sco 58, 59 Canal Colony,
Pakhowal Rd, Model Gram,
Ludhiana, Punjab 141002
+91 98147-11111
+91 98140-22660
+91 – 161 – 4626969